Application for the 2021 Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences has begun. The deadline is March 12, 2021. The Fellowship appointment is awarded for a one-year period (July 1, 2021 ~ June 30, 2022), during which at least two or three days a week must be spent at IPSAS.
Applicants need to have the endorsement of one of the IPSAS research fellows, as his/her advisor, and have the advisor’s signature on the applications form. Each applicant should submit documents to IPSAS as follows:
(1) a completed application form;
(2) a curriculum vitae;
(3) a research plan;
(4) an official copy of his/her Ph.D. academic records;
(5) proof for obtained the status of a doctoral candidate;
(6) reprints of publications; and,
(7) two letters of recommendation from the associated academic institution (written in English or Chinese and mailed directly to IPSAS)
The documents (1)~(6) should be submitted in triplicate. Here are the Application Form and Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Deadline: Please send your application documents to IPSAS by March 12, 2021. All application materials must arrive at the following address no later than the deadline. All application documents will not be returned.
Ms. Ya-hui Huang
Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica
128 Academia Rd., Sec. 2, Nankang
Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Tel: (02)2652-5306