Revisiting Theories on Cross-Strait Relations
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Revisiting Theories on Cross-Strait Relations. Edited by Tzong-Ho Bau and Yu-shan Wu. Taipei: IPSAS & Wu Nan Publisher, 2009.
Following Contending Theories on Cross-Strait Relations, a bestseller in the field for a decade, Taiwan’s political science community worked together to analyze cross-Strait relations in thirteen approaches grouped under three dimensions. This volume features methodological plurality as it contains discussion of realism and constructivism in international relations theory, survey of social psychology and psychological analysis, game theory and spatial model, theory of political economy, time series statistics, historical-cultural research paradigm, positivist legal analysis, and normal advocacy. At a time when cross-Strait relations are at a turning point, this volume provides an excellent theoretical guide to cross-Strait relations for the academic community and for general readers. It is a must for anyone who wishes to grasp the complicated reality and identify the trends in cross-Strait relations. This volume is the third in the Academia Sinica Political Science Series, and is the result of close collaboration between IPSAS and the Political Science Department at National Taiwan University.
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