Sense and Sensibility: Selected Works of Jih-wen Lin
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Edited by Tse-kang Leng, Wen-chin Wu, Yu-shan Wu and Chin-en Wu. Taipei: IPSAS, 2019.
Jin-wen Lin was one of the leading political scientists in Taiwan. Motivated by his passion for the political and democratic development of Taiwan, he applied rational choice theory to investigate key political issues of Taiwan in numerous academic studies. This volume collects Jih-wen Lin’s most important and influential works. It is organized by four themes, including rational choice, constitution and semi-presidentialism, electoral systems, and cross-Strait relations. Each theme is preceded by a review article that evaluates the context and contribution of Jih-wen Lin’s works. The volume not only demonstrates how rational choice theory is applied to studies on political institutions and cross-Strait relations but also reflects Jin-wen’s passion and vocation as a political scientist.
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