Founding Director
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A Decade in Pursuit of Excellence
“Politics is the commanding height of human life that integrates all social activities. However, the study of political phenomena and the recognition of the importance of such study are woefully insufficient. Political democratization has had great impact on Taiwan’s economy, society, culture, as well as cross-Strait and international relations, a fact that brings home the centrality of politics. In this context, it is extremely important to conduct political science research in Academia Sinica, the highest academic institution in the Republic of China. Our mission is to advance knowledge with an eye on the major issues that the country is facing. After ten years of preparation, IPSAS is now fully launched. Realizing the high expectations of the academic community and the society at large, IPSAS has devoted itself to cutting-edge research that bears on political development of the country. The formal launch of IPSAS brings greater responsibilities and challenges. We shall spare no effort to meet them, and in so doing further advance political science research in Taiwan and beyond.”
Yu-Shan Wu
August 2012
Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica
Address:128 Academia Rd., Sec.2, Nankang, 115 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC How to get to IPSAS
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