Applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships at Academia Sinica for the First Session of 2019 are now being accepted.Starting from January 15 to February 20, 2020, all applications are to be processed on-line
( ).It is not necessary to send hard copies of application materials. All applications must be submitted to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service (DAAIS) by the applicant’s principal investigator (PI) before March 2, 2020. Appointment of Postdoctoral Scholars for this session commences on July 1, 2020.
Applicants need to have a PI at AS to sponsor their applications. A PI may sponsor as many Postdoctoral Scholars as he or she wishes. However, each project is limited to one applicant only.
Under this program, there are two types of fellows: Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholars (Distinguished) and Postdoctoral Scholars (Regular). Applicants with a PhD degree conferred after the January of 2016 or 2014 are eligible to be the candidates of Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholars (Distinguished) or Postdoctoral Scholars (Regular) respectively. Applicants excepting that who are applying for the position of Postdoctoral Scholar at the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences need to choose the type of fellows. Two types of fellows must be ticked if applicants intend to apply for both.
If an applicant has not yet received the doctoral degree, the applicant’s doctoral advisor must provide a letter confirming that the applicant is expected to receive the PhD diploma before the appointment starts. In addition, three letters of recommendation must be received by DAAIS before the deadline.
When applying for the position of Postdoctoral Scholars at the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences or the position of Academia Sinica Postdoctoral Scholars (Distinguished), applicants are required to submit a proposal specifying the aim, significance, background, methodology and anticipated accomplishment of their research projects. Application proposals lacking consideration of these factors will be adversely affected.
During the term of appointment, the Postdoctoral Scholar shall comply with the service regulations stipulated by the Academia Sinica Personnel Office (please refer to and also the requirements and instructions of his/her sponsoring principal investigator and host institute. In addition, the Postdoctoral Scholar is required to sign a work contract and a declaration which states that he/she is not the spouse or relative by blood or marriage of the heads of the employing organization, institute and the sponsoring PI/co-PI.
For more information, please contact
Mr. Yu Hang at AAO, Tel. 02-2789- 8067;
Miss Ya-hui Huang at IPSAS, Tel. 02-2652- 5306;
or visit the website: