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Workshop on Corruption, Inequality, and Political Attitudes
Place : IPSAS Conference Room A (5th floor, North, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences)
Date : 2017-03-23 ~ 2017-03-23
Time : 10:00-17:00

This is a workshop on the subjects of political trust, inequality, and corruption. Five articles will be discussed, of which University of Maryland Professor of Government and Politics Eric Uslaner will be the main discussant. Professor Eric Uslaner is an authoritative figure in the field of comparative politics, in general, and research on the relationship between political trust, inequality, and corruption, in particular. During this workshop Professor Uslaner will share with the participating scholars his experience on the writing, submitting for publication, and revising of journal articles. This will provide political science scholars in Taiwan that are working diligently in the fields of political trust and political economy with an opportunity to engage in interactions both with each other and a renowned scholar in the field. Participants:
● Yun-han Chu (Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica and Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU)
● Alex Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica)
● Daniel Koss (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica)
● Hsin-Hsin Pan (Postdoctoral fellow of the Center for East Asia Democratic Studies, National Taiwan University)
● Eric Uslaner (Professor, Government and Politics, Maryland University)
●Yu-Tzung Chang (Professor, Department of Political Science, NTU)
● Chin-En Wu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica)
● Wen-chin Wu (Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica)
Agenda-PDF (Open a URL in a new tab) Agenda-odt (Open a URL in a new tab)