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Cultural Governance and Political Legitimacy in Contemporary China
Place : 1st Conference Room, 3F, Building of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
Date : 2013-10-07 ~ 2013-10-07
Time : October 7, 2013

Academia Sinica is honored to invite Professor Elizabeth Perry from Harvard University to be the first Academia Sinica Humanities and Social Sciences Lecturer. Professor Perry is Henry Rosovsky Professor of Government and the Director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute. She is also a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She will deliver a lecture on “Cultural Governance and Political Legitimacy in Contemporary China” which reflects her observation on current Chinese politics from a historic perspective of the past of Chinese Communist Party. This lecture intends to facilitate academic exchanges between her and scholars of China Studies in Taiwan and to contribute to the development of the field.