There are four parts in the Spatial Analysis Workshop course: c the concept of spatial analysis and dataset, spatial Econometrics, geographic information system (GIS), and the application of Spatial Analysis Methods in social science. The total class hours are 18 (3 days), lectures and labs.
Here are the lecturers of the 2019 Saptial Analysis Workshop:
● Keynote speaker: Wen, Tzai-Hung
(Dept. of Geography, National Taiwan University)
● Lin, Tse-min
(Dept. of Government, University of Texas at Austin)
● Teng, Chih-Sung
(Graduate Institute of National Development , National Taiwan University)
● Yap, Ko-Hua
(Dept.of Socialogy, National Sun Yat-sen Unnversity)
● Chang-Ping Lin
(Dept. of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal University)
● Liao, Hsiung-Ming
(Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academic Sinica)
● Liao, Hsin-chung
(Dept. of Public Policy and Management, ShinHsin University)
Please register at: a URL in a new tab)
(November 1-November 30 2018)
Yun-chun Tsai.
Tel: (02) 8170-5125 #6756