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2017 Institute for Political Methodology (Taiwan)
Place : Institute of Political Science of North Building for Humanities and Social Sciences Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica
Date : 2017-07-12 ~ 2017-07-28
Time : July 12 to July 28, 2017

     The Institute for Political Methodology (IPM) 2017 will be held from July 12 to July28, 2017, in Taipei. The IPM provides a unique opportunity for graduate students and junior faculty to receive quantitative training and to meet distinguished methodologists.
     This year we are pleased to announce that the Prof. Harold Clarke (School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, the University of Texas at Dallas), Prof. Karl Ho (School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, the University of Texas at Dallas), Prof. Brett Benson (Dept. of Political Science, Vanderbilt University), Prof. Tetsuya Matsubayashi (Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University) and Prof. So Young Lee (Dept. of International Relation, Daegu University ) will join us. The main theme for the IPM 2017 is “Cross-level Analysis”. In addition, a number of core courses are also offered each year, including regression, categorical data analysis, and introductions to Stata and R. The activities of the IPM course include lectures, tutorials, practicals, and presentations. The courses are all in English. Further information is available on the IPM website: http://www.ipmasia.org(Open a URL in a new tab) Please register before May 1, 2016
     The number of participants will be limited to 20. International participants are responsible for their own airfare and the IPM will provide accommodation. The registration date is from April 1 to May 1. All registration needs to be completed online. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. Join us!
     There are two main parts in the IPM course: core statistical courses and theme courses. The main theme of this year is Time-series and Longitudinal Data and Analysis. The total class hours are 78 (13 days), including lectures, tutorials, practicals and presentations. The courses are all in English. The course this year are listed below:

●Core Courses:
1Bayesian Statstics
2.Categorical Data Analysis
3.Spatial Econometrics
4.Event Count Models
5.Game Theory 
6.Introduction to Statistics Using STATA and R
7.Maximum Likelihood Estimation (M.L.E.)
8.Multiple Regression
9.Math Refresher
10.Understanding the p-value

●Theme Courses:
1.Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis 
2.Multi-level Analysis
3.Multi-level Synthesis: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach 

●Here are the lecturers and courses of the 2017 IPM:
· Harold Clarke- Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
·Brett Benson- Time-series Cross-sectional Data Analysis
·Karl Ho- Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
·Tetsuya Matsubayashi- Special Talk II
·So Young Lee – Special Talk I
·Tse-min Lin – Math Refresher/ Spatial Econometrics/ Understanding the p-value
·T. Y. Wang –  Categorical Data Analysis/ Proposal Writing
·Eric Chang –  Multilevel Analysis/ Multilevel  Analysis
·Chi Huang- Multilevel Synthesis: A Spatial Microsimulation Approach
·Chin-en Wu- Multiple Regression II
·Alex Chang- Lab-Stata
·Wen-chin Wu- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
·Kuang-hui Chen- Multiple Regression I
·Yen-pin Su- Event Count Models
·Tsung-han Tsai- Bayesian Statistics
·Yi-ting Wang- Lab-R

Please register at:
http://www.ipmasia.org/sem/actnews.php(Open a URL in a new tab)
(before May 1, 2017)

Shu-an Tsai.
Tel: (02) 8170-5125 #6759
E-mail: ipmasia.service@gmail.com