Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study (TEDS) is a large scale survey research project supported by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Social Sciences Research Center, National Science Council. The large-scale research project can effectively utilize resources and increase research capabilities. Data gathering, validation, and release for TEDS2012 (2012 presidential and legislative elections) was completed on July 30, 2012. Survey data are used for research on Taiwan’s democratization, democratic development, and comparison with results from previous surveys.
Attached information: http://teds2012.blogspot.tw/ (Open a URL in a new tab)
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dHAtam1yNUlTcWhIemh4MUYzMHBLT2c6MQ (Open a URL in a new tab)
conference schedule http://teds2012.blogspot.tw/p/blog-page_5.html (Open a URL in a new tab)