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Conferences & Seminars

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The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association of International Relations, R.O.C. (ROCAIR) on “Conflicts and Peace in the Changing World”
Place : Building of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica; Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica
Date : 2013-12-07 ~ 2013-12-07
Time : December 7, 2013

ROCAIR, IPSAS, and IEAS will jointly hold ROCAIR’s 2013 Annual Meeting on December 7. A total of 25 panels on six themes of “Cross-Strait Relations”, “Traditional and Non-Traditional Security”, “International Political Economy and Global Governance”, “International Relation Theory”, “Sino-US Relations and Regional Politics” and “EU Research” will be held. Outstanding scholars in correlative fields are invited to discuss the important IR issues.
Professor John J. Mearsheimer (Political Science at the University of Chicago), an expert on international politics and international security affairs who pioneers Offensive Realism will deliver a keynote speech on “Taiwan in the Shadow of a Rising China” after the opening ceremony.

Please Register at: http://rocair.twbbs.org/2013year-2.htm(Open a URL in a new tab)
E-mail: associationofir.roc@gmail.com