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Conferences & Seminars

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The Transformation of Citizen Politics and Civic Attitudes in Three Chinese Societies
Place : IEAS Auditorium Academia Sinica
Date : 2004-11-19 ~ 2004-11-20
Time : 8:30am ~5:15pm
The main purpose of this conference is to assemble well-known local and foreign scholars interested in civic culture in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Much of the research to be presented at this conference is based on data obtained from the Asian Barometer Survey Project and other large-scale surveys. The conference will be held at the International Conference Room of the Institute of European and American Studies at Academica Sinica, and will last for two days. We welcome any and all who want to share our research results. The conference will focus on three main areas of discussion: (1) The Transformation of Political Participation and Civic Culture, (2) Grass-Roots Democracy on Mainland China, and (3) Value Change and the Transformation of Political Culture, divided into seven separate panels. Please consult the attached conference agenda for further details.