Research Groups
Political methodology
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Our colleagues affiliated with this research group specialize in formal theory and various statistical methods. In studying a variety of political science research topics, they have applied, extended, and developed cutting-edge research methodologies, including qualitative studies, cross-sectional data analysis, panel data, survey experiments, sampling with satellite data, integrating interviews and social media data, text analysis, spatial analysis, Bayesian analysis, structural estimation, and game-theory models. They have made use of the latest developments in computationally intensive approaches to statistical inference, causal inference, experimental design and analysis, data science, and cross-disciplinary methodology. This profile provides the ideal conditions for collaborating with colleagues from other research groups.
This cooperation can also feed back into the construction of theoretical models with empirical implications based on analysis of cases on the ground. In addition, the methodology group organizes an annual Institute for Political Methodology (IPM), where renowned scholars from Taiwan and abroad offer courses on the latest developments in methodology so that local political scientists can enhance their understanding of methodological issues. Eminent scholars have also been invited to conduct workshops on newly developed methodological tools to improve IPSAS’s international standing. International conferences on positive political economy and political methodology are regular events, all helping to facilitate international collaboration among scholars.
Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models (EITM) Workshop
Positive Political Economy: Institutions
Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica
Address:128 Academia Rd., Sec.2, Nankang, 115 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC How to get to IPSAS
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