Research Groups
China and comparative politico-economic transition
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IPSAS adopts a theoretical and comparative approach to China studies rather than a policy-oriented one.We focus on mainland China’s political and economic transition; in the former area concentrating on local governance and the dynamics of political change, and in the latter on the political conditions necessary for economic development and comparisons of economic reform strategies in the developing world.
Based on theories of comparative politics, we have developed analytical frameworks for empirical studies and field research. Recent study topics include China’s state capitalism, authoritarian resilience, decision-making processes, formal and informal institutions, and policy learning mechanisms. In addition to aspects of continuity and change in the China model, we have developed micro-level analyses on topics such as political elites, the urban political economy, and central-local relations. In other words, we focus both on theory building and case studies in an effort to understand China’s development as a whole from a comparative perspective. Looking to the future, this research group will introduce cross-disciplinary research methods and combine them with a more comprehensive research paradigm with Taiwanese characteristics.
IPSAS series II
The Transmutation of the CCP Party-State
Cultural Governance and Political Legitimacy
in Contemporary China
The Eighth Annual Asian Network for the Study
of Local China Workshop
Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica
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