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Research Groups

Major research goals

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Major research goals

1. Build a solid theoretical base for political science inquires, with an emphasis on upstream research;
2. Lead Taiwan’s political science research into fields with international comparative advantages;
3. Connect to overseas Chinese and East Asian academic communities, set up collaborative networks, and explore leading-edge research issues;
4. Improve quality of public debate on political issues in Taiwan, particularly those concerning the development of democratic politics

With the above goals in mind, the IPSAS sets up to define a vision for Taiwan’s political community and coordinate efforts in that overall direction. Our mission is to explore issues relevant to Taiwan’s political development and its external relations so as to both satisfy domestic needs and provide a cutting edge into international academic research in political science. The IPSAS will seek collaboration with leading international academic institutions and groups, particularly with scholars in nascent democracies in East Asia and other regions in the world. The IPSAS will also provide expertise in commenting on major political issues such as reshaping of political values and consolidation of democracy in the ROC.

In order to achieve the above goals, the IPSAS has taken on an overall profile towards theory-oriented, and area-based study in comparative politics and international relations. Five priority research areas are identified and five corresponding research groups formed. They are:

1.Taiwan politics and comparative democratic system
2.China and comparative politico-economic transition
3.Cross-Strait relations and international relations theory
4.Political and economic changes in Asia and global democratic development
5.Political methodology