1. The Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica (IPSAS), Taipei, Taiwan, seeks to appoint full-time faculty members at the rank of assistant research fellow (which is equivalent to assistant professor). Application for higher rank will also be considered.
2. The applicant should specialize at least one of the following fields: (1) Taiwan politics and comparative democratic system; (2) China and comparative politico-economic transition; (3) cross-Strait relations and international relations theory; (4) political and economic changes in Asia and global democratic development; and, (5) political methodology.
3. The applicant must have a doctoral degree in political science or related disciplines, or is able to receive a Ph.D. degree by August 31, 2025.
4. Applicants for positions of assistant research fellow should submit the following documents:
(1) curriculum vitae and a list of publications;
(2) a photocopy of the doctoral degree certificate or certification for completion of course work and successful defense of dissertation (for applicants who have not yet passed the oral examination, proof for completion of courses and a letter certifying imminent holding of oral examination are required);
(3) two copies of the doctoral dissertation (or draft) and other publications;
(4) an abstract (in both English and Chinese) of the doctoral dissertation;
(5) transcripts from undergraduate and graduate schools;
(6) a statement of research accomplishments and research plan (in both English and Chinese and within three pages); and,
(7) three letters of recommendation, one of which must be written by the doctoral thesis advisor. These letters can be written in either Chinese or English and can be sent in either hard copy or as email attachments. If sending hard copy recommendation letters, please have the recommender send them directly to IPSAS. If sending via email, the email should be sent by the school department or a certified institution such as Interfolio. Please understand that we do not accept recommendation letters sent from personal email accounts.
5. Applicants for positions of associate research fellow or above should submit the following documents:
(1) curriculum vitae and a list of publications;
(2) a photocopy of the doctoral degree certificate;
(3) three representative publications (and two copies each);
(4) proofs for appointments in Taiwanese or international academic institutes;
(5) a statement of research accomplishments and research plan (in both English and Chinese and within three pages); and,
(6) three letters of recommendation. These letters can be written in either Chinese or English and can be sent in either hard copy or as email attachments. If sending hard copy recommendation letters, please have the recommender send them directly to IPSAS. If sending via email, the email should be sent by the school department or a certified institution such as Interfolio. Please understand that we do not accept recommendation letters sent from personal email accounts.
6. Applicants should send the application, along with the required hard copies of documents, to Dr. Chung-li Wu, Director of the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, at the following address: 128 Academia Rd., Sec. 2, Nangang District, Taipei 115201, Taiwan, R.O.C.
7. Further questions can be forwarded to Ms. Ren-Yuan Lo at 886-2-2652-5303, faxed to 886-2-2783-2610, or e-mailed to ipsas@gate.sinica.edu.tw.
8. The application should be received by February 28, 2025.
Download: Application Form (PDF) , Application Form (doc) , Application Form (odt)(Applicants need to fill in the form first and email to ipsas@gate.sinica.edu.tw before February 20, 2025)