The deadline for applications from the institute is March 3. However, to accommodate the submission time for collaborative research fellow from our institute, the deadline for internal submissions is advanced to February 24, and no applications will be accepted after this date.
Applicants for postdoctoral scholar positions must secure the agreement of one research fellow from the IPSAS to oversee their application (i.e., serve as a Sponsoring Mentor) before submitting their application. The application process is conducted online, and hard copies are not required. The application website is After completing the online application, applicants should click the “Confirm” button by February 24 to submit the application to the Sponsoring Mentor. After the Sponsoring Mentor reviews the application, they should click the “Submit” button by March 3 to send the application to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service (DAAIS), completing the application process.
Important points to note:
1. Please refer to the “Guidelines for Postdoctoral Scholar Program at Academia Sinica” and the “Review Procedure for Postdoctoral Research Scholars at the Institute of Political Science” for relevant regulations.
2. Applicants for this round must have obtained a doctoral degree after July 2020. If an applicant has taken maternity or paternity leave after obtaining a doctoral degree, they may apply for an extension of the specified period by two years for each birth. If there is a history of military service, relevant proof documents should be provided, and the specified period can be extended based on the actual service time.
3. Applicants must ensure that all documents and at least two letters of recommendation have been sent to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service of Academia Sinica before the institute’s application deadline (March 3), or else the application will not be accepted.
4. If applicants cannot obtain their graduation certificates before the application deadline, they must upload a letter of certification from their academic advisor explaining that they will obtain the graduation certificate before the appointment in this round.
5. Applicants are required to write a research proposal, detailing the project’s content (including research objectives and significance, literature review, research methods, expected outcomes, and the relevance of the project to the five major research areas of the IPSAS). The proposal should be approximately five to six thousand words. If the content is too brief, it may affect the evaluation results.
6. Sponsoring mentor (collaborative research fellow from the IPSAS) should provide specific details in the “Letter of Agreement”:
i. Relevance of the project to the five major research areas of the IPSAS
ii. Relevant research projects conducted by the sponsoring mentor
iii. Duties the applicant will undertake in this project and the training they will receive
iv. Whether the sponsoring mentor expects the applicant to publish papers on the project or the possibility of co-authoring papers
7. The appointment period for postdoctoral scholars in this round is from July 1, year 2025, to June 30, year 2027 (for those who obtained their degrees before July 2021, the appointment period is until June 30, year 2026). Accepted individuals must complete the registration procedures and provide their graduation certificates before the institute’s specified final reporting time; otherwise, they will forfeit their acceptance.
8. Postdoctoral scholars at Academia Sinica are full-time positions, and their rights and obligations are governed by relevant regulations for contracted employees of the institute . They will participate in the execution of research projects according to the plans of their sponsoring mentor, and their affiliated units may establish specific management rules based on the special needs of the discipline. Postdoctoral scholars must sign a work contract and a declaration stating that they are not the spouse, relative within three degrees, or in-laws of the head of the institution, unit supervisor, or academic advisor at the time of employment.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Ms. Ya-Hui Huang, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica; Phone: 2652-5306; Email:
Mr. Lin, Department of Academic Affairs, Academia Sinica; Phone: 2787-2718; Email: