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Conferences & Seminars

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The 14 th Annual Asian Network for the Study of Local China Workshop
Place : Conference Room B, 5F of North Wing, Building of Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica
Date : 2019-05-17 ~ 2019-05-17
Time : 08:50~18:00

The Asian Network for the Study of Local China Workshop (ANSLoC) was originally initiated in 2005 for sharing research findings which focus on the field of local governance in China and has been held annually in May since then. So far, the network has already been build up tightly for the research of local governance.

This year, the ANSLoC Workshop in Taipei is going to invite scholars from Korea, Singapore, Mainland China, and Taiwan to jointly discuss the local governance cases in China with their fruitful research results.

Workshop Coordinator:
Miss Fang-Hsin Chang